Kina Jeftini dobavljač mašina za brizganje


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Sagledavanje trenutnog stanja i budućnosti domaće osnovne industrije iz industrije mašina za brizganje

Januar 24, 2023



Nakon više od deset godina brzog razvoja Zahtjevi za tlak pažljivo su izračunati za dizajn dijelova i strojeva u Kini, mašine za brizganje narasle su od malih do velikih, od slabog do jakog, i postali veliki dio zemlje. U smislu godišnje prodaje mašina za brizganje, imaju mjesto na globalnoj rang listi. , je veliki proizvođač i izvoznik plastičnih mašina [1]. Što se klastera proizvođača mašina za brizganje plastike tiče, postoje dva klastera u delti Biserne reke i delti reke Jangce. U oblasti delte reke Jangce, sa Ningboom kao centrom, postoje proizvođači mašina za brizganje raznih veličina i veličina, i mnogi proizvođači industrijskih lanaca uzvodno i nizvodno ga podržavaju, formirajući kompletnu noseću vagu za mašine za brizganje. dostići veliki broj. kako god, izlazna vrijednost i profit mašine za brizganje ne mogu odgovarati ogromnoj proizvodnji. Može se posmatrati kao rezultat male zarade, ali brzog obrta, koji pripada ekstenzivnom tipu, rezultat doprinosa visoke potrošnje energije, niska izlazna snaga, i radno intenzivne industrije.

Izvoz je jeftina oprema, a uvoz je vrhunska oprema. Takođe se može reći da je izvoz čelik, a uvoz tehnologija [1]. Povećanje proizvodnje mašina za brizganje je ekvivalentno prodaji sirovina i promeni načina prodaje čelika. Gvozdena ruda otkupljena iz inostranstva je pretopljena sa visokim zagađenjem, a zatim opsežno nagomilani ograničenim tehničkim sadržajem, a zatim izvezen, dobijene profitne marže su veoma male. Izvana, industrija koju je stvorila cveta i puna je vitalnosti. Zapravo, to je još uvijek luda ekspanzija, što je rezultiralo svojevrsnom konkurencijom za vlastitu potrošnju u industriji, što donosi ogroman doprinos okolišu i resursima uzvodnog industrijskog lanca. Iz perspektive karakteristika tržišne konkurencije, u prošlosti, uglavnom se radilo o ekspanziji količine i cjenovnoj konkurenciji[1] .

1.Put razvoja mašina za brizganje u Kini

Nakon više od 30 godine razvoja, Kineske mašine za brizganje izrasle su od nule, od malih do velikih. Od 1990-ih, rodno mjesto mašina za brizganje je uglavnom s obje strane ušća Biserne rijeke. U to vrijeme bio je blizu Hong Konga. With the help of geographical advantages, the reform was the first place. Hong Kong and Taiwan have the most injection molding machines. Big brands such as: Chen Hsong, Yilida , Baoyuan, Taiwan’s Quan Lifa, Zhongtai Precision Machinery, Fu Chunxin, itd. At the beginning of the 21st century, injection molding machines began to expand from the south to the mainland of China. The rising star of the Yangtze River Delta has gradually achieved rapid development, i region delte rijeke Jangce ima Ningbo kao centar za zračenje okolnih područja. Mašine za brizganje cvjetaju posvuda, i mnoge lokalne kompanije su rođene.

U prvih deset godina 21. veka, mašine za brizganje iz Hong Konga i Tajvana, kao i Južna Koreja i Japan, postupno su izgubili svoje nekadašnje prednosti i postepeno nestali sa kineskog tržišta. Lokalne kompanije su postepeno eksplodirale. Ovaj proces je proces oseke i oseke. U ovom trenutku, postoje dva glavna klastera mašina za brizganje, i pratećih uzvodnih i nizvodnih industrijskih lanaca, kao što su: delte Biserne reke i delte reke Jangce, s obje strane zaljeva Biserne rijeke u Guangdongu; Delta rijeke Jangce je usredsređena na Ningbo, donoseći veliki broj pratećih industrija. Razvoj Kine ubrizgao je vitalnost u otvorenu ekonomiju, promovirao sveukupni napredak domaće tehnologije prerade i proizvodnje i unapređenje usluga,

Najveći doprinos u ovom periodu bio je promovisanje unapređenja uslužnog koncepta razvoja domaće teške industrije, posebno nadogradnju opreme za obradu teške proizvodnje, i sa druge strane, ubrzala je promenu koncepta prerade proizvodnih radnika. U tom pogledu, to je najveći dobitak koji se ne može zamijeniti. Zadovoljna žetva najveći je doprinos domaćoj prerađivačkoj industriji i najveće poboljšanje imidža cjelokupne osnovne prerađivačke industrije. Omogućava domaćoj bazičnoj prerađivačkoj industriji da stane na istu početnu liniju sa stranim kompanijama mašina za brizganje u smislu podrške konceptu usluga, i ima sposobnost da se takmiči sa stranim kompanijama mašina za brizganje. Proizvođači mašina za brizganje imaju istu platformu za pregovaranje i mogućnost učešća na međunarodnom takmičenju, što je posebno za pohvalu. tehnologija prerade i proizvodnje i unapređenje usluga.

2.Trenutni status mašina za brizganje u Kini

Što se tiče strukture, hidraulična mašina za brizganje sastavljena je od šest glavnih delova: stezni dio okvira stuba, dio materijala za ubrizgavanje, ramski limeni dio, hidraulični deo, električni upravljački dio, lubrication part and so on. As far as the main structure of each part is concerned, the sheet metal part of the frame is all welded by profiles and plates through uncomplicated welding; the clamping column frame part and the injection melt part remove the seal and support in the cylinder of the actuator The component part itself is also processed from steel parts and profiles;

The hydraulic part of the hydraulic power injection molding machine is composed of power components, prime movers, oil pumps; executive components, oil valves, oil cylinders; connecting pipelines, itd. These components and accessories are mainly made in Germany and Japan on the hydraulic injection molding machine. Such as: the oil pump of the power source and various actuator oil valves, and the imitation products of individual valves in Taiwan; the electronic control part is the core part of the injection molding machine, which is equivalent to the nerve center and the human brain. The brands made in Japan are the main ones, and the brands made in Taiwan are supplemented. The brands made by domestic manufacturers are actually used in injection molding machines, and almost none of them have been widely promoted.

In terms of the structural composition of the electric injection molding machine, in addition to the clamping column part, the injection material part, the frame sheet metal part, the electric control part and the lubrication part, which are common to the hydraulic injection molding machine structure, there are also power and transmission parts. Compared with the all-electric injection molding machine and the hydraulic power injection molding machine, the biggest difference is that the all-electric injection molding machine has no electric energy converted into hydraulic energy, and then converted from hydraulic energy into mechanical energy, eliminating the intermediate link of hydraulic energy conversion. The conversion of hydraulic energy is omitted, and the conversion of electric energy to hydraulic energy is reduced. When the hydraulic energy is converted to mechanical energy, the heat generated by the hydraulic pressure, the loss of energy and the consumption of internal conversion efficiency of mechanical energy bring about the improvement of energy utilization; all-electric injection molding machines The power system is driven by all motors, relying on PLC and servo control technology, which can achieve high-precision control and substantial energy saving while avoiding the common noise, heat and oil leakage of hydraulic injection molding machines

Without the transmission and conversion of hydraulic power, the upstream industry will rely on environmental mining, the pollution will be small, and there will be new motivation and direction for the sustainable development of the environment. Because of this, the all-electric injection molding machine has been given the reputation of energy saving and environmental protection. The all-electric injection molding machine directly converts electrical energy into mechanical energy through mechanical conversion, thereby realizing the driving power. The all-electric injection molding machine can save energy by 30% to 60% compared with ordinary hydraulic injection molding machines[3][5], and can realize multi-action Run synchronously [4][5]. The all-electric injection molding machine needs a set of conversion devices that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, and the components used to transmit torque and force have to rely heavily on foreign countries and are monopolized by well-known foreign brand companies; some control components have not been able to match domestically In other words, the country is still in the toddler stage. Na primjer, the screw for transmitting torque and force of the all-electric injection molding machine is still widely relied on imported from Japan, and it is still controlled by foreign technology. It can be produced domestically, but it is only small in diameter. The main reason is that the processing equipment relies on imports, and the processing technology needs to be improved and mastered. ; The driving of the control part still relies on Europe and Japan, which makes the all-electric injection molding machine a piece of fat that everyone wants to eat, but the purchase cost of machine parts is very high, and the maintenance cost in the later period makes the all-electric injection molding machine not large The area is well promoted.

Naprotiv, in foreign countries, in some old-fashioned countries with a strong industrial foundation, small and medium-sized injection molding machines basically no longer produce hydraulic injection molding machines. Even if hydraulic injection molding machines are produced, the proportion is relatively low. Investment and research on electric power source transmission in other industries has led to the development of the entire heavy industry, such as Japan. Judging from the rapid development of injection molding machines in the past ten years, whether it is an all-electric injection molding machine or a hydraulic injection molding machine, its main and core components have not yet reached a certain localization rate.

3. Weak underbelly of injection molding machine

From the composition and structure of injection molding machine components, it can be seen that the core components, power and control parts of domestic injection molding machines have not been able to use domestic brands in China, resulting in the core technology or process of the entire injection molding machine still relying on foreign countries. The reasons are nothing more than: One is that each injection molding machine factory has been using foreign brands for a long time. The thinking inertia is due to the complex; the other is that some performance and use effects of domestic brands, including the service life, are far from reaching the same effect as foreign brands of equivalent products; any injection molding machine factory for its own enterprise Healthy and steady development, it is unlikely to sacrifice the excellent development momentum of its own enterprise to improve the utilization rate of China’s state-owned brands on injection molding machines, so the power and control part of injection molding machines will still be dominated by foreign brands for a long time.

Such as: oil pumps, oil valves, and the controllers of the control part are mainly products from some old industrial powerhouses in Europe and Japan. The long-term result of this is: when the international relations are good, the procurement cycle is short and the cost is relatively low; but when the international relations are delicate, especially when the external relations are not good, product price fluctuations and delivery cycles cannot be guaranteed. . Na primjer, when the relationship with the United States has been tense in recent years, this passive situation will inevitably be exacerbated. The old industrial powers headed by the United States hold a group to restrain China’s development and delay the development of China’s industry. Like the chip industry, there will be a bottleneck in the supply of brand products. It may also be that the manufacturing equipment of the stuck product is set up, which caused the entire industry to move forward passively. From this we can see that the injection molding machine industry cannot be puffy. It looks big and bright on the outside, but it has no actual content of its own, and the name does not match the reality. Knowing from this, are other industries in the same situation as injection molding machines?

4.Monopoly of foreign technology

It can be seen from the weakness of the injection molding machine industry that although China’s injection molding machines have developed rapidly and are very large in recent years, the core products of the entire injection molding machine and the technology for manufacturing core products of the injection molding machine are still in the hands of well-known international brand manufacturers. The development of injection molding machine component brands is still in its infancy, especially the oil pump, oil valve and controller of the hydraulic injection molding machine power system. The reason: Prvo, the eagerness to accompany quick success and quick profit. After so many years of rapid domestic economic development, no matter which industry is keen on money, the favor of quick money is a kind of close expectation; the second is that the industrial master machines that manufacture these products are still Restricted by foreign established industrial powers, the machine tools for processing these products still need to be imported, and the cost is relatively high

The third is that enterprises are not strong enough to improve the potential power of national basic industries. In terms of enterprise development, enterprises will not put their own development on research and development that cannot be seen or touched. Such investment costs are very high, and it may always be a bottomless pit. , may succeed; may fail; and the end customers who use the injection molding machine are not prepared to accept the product containing the mouse. As a result, enterprises have insufficient motivation to use domestically produced components on injection molding machines; even if enterprises have the feeling to use domestically produced components, they do not have the courage to use domestically produced components. Osim toga, the transaction of domestic parts products is a one-shot procurement model. As long as it is not the supplier’s own reasons, the purchased products will change models and return to improve performance, resulting in an infinite increase in costs. avoidance of reality. Do sad, the brands of key components on injection molding machines are still dominated by foreign old industrial brands and powerful products.

5 .How to get out

To break the current situation of being controlled by others in the injection molding machine industry, generations of injection molding machine practitioners are required to make selfless contributions in the plastic machine industry; in terms of capital operation, there must be far-sighted entrepreneurs who invest in experienced and driven plastic machine industry. To develop in-depth, keep the basic industry at its peak, seize the right to speak in the basic industry, and inject vitality and power into the development of China’s basic heavy industry; more practitioners of component products must have a whole-industry view and injection molding machine integration The community of machine factory interests improves service and cooperates from the perspective of the entire injection molding machine development industry; starting from a win-win situation and becoming bigger and stronger, it accelerates the use and trial of domestic injection molding machine components on the complete injection molding machine; from the industry level, there can be Innovation, radical strategy, development and expansion of the environment, let more people participate in and contribute to the injection molding machine industry and basic processing industry, and finally support the industry of a big country, let China’s heavy industry go to the world, i ulažu neumorne napore da postignu briljantnost.


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