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Assembly line, also known as assembly line, is a mode of production in industry, ko te, each production unit only focuses on processing a certain segment to improve work efficiency and output. Due to the intelligent characteristics of the pipeline composed of rail guided vehicle (Rail Guided Vehicle, RGV), the feasibility and advantage [1] of the assembly line based on RGV are discussed for the injection molding machine.
Research background and significance
I tenei wa, enterprises produce horizontal injection molding machine products designed for orders, and its highly customized order configuration leads to the characteristics of small batch order configuration and multiple varieties. In the final assembly production process, the injection molding machine is large and the mass is more than 3 t. It cannot be moved in the production process, na ko te tikanga whakaputa o te tuunga huihuinga kua whakaritea te nuinga. Ko te whakangao tuunga pumau e pa ana ki te tukanga o te whakakoi i nga rawa o te miihini whakakikorua i roto i te waahi pumau hei whakaoti i nga huihuinga whakaputa katoa.. Ko te aratau whakahaere e whakamahia ana ko te aratau whakaputa o te punaha kawenga kawenga motuhake, e whakawhirinaki ana ki te wheako o nga kaimahi whakahaere ki te hanga i te mahere whakaputa o ia wahanga. He mea noa ake, karekau te waahi o te huihuinga i waenganui, a he uaua ki te hora i nga taputapu me nga rawa. Na te kore o te wehenga mahi, nga whakaritenga pukenga teitei mo nga kaiwhakahaere, whakahaere hepohepo me te whakarite, huringa hanga roa, he iti te pai o te whakaputa me nga raruraru kounga kore, kua waiho hei hononga matua e aukati ana i te kamupene ki te whakapai ake i te taumata o te whakahiato miihini whakahiato me te whakangao [2].
Ko nga ahuatanga o te raina whakangao tere ka taea te whakaoti i te raru takamuri productionMaterial ki te whakapai ake i te whakamahinga o te waahi waahi. I taua wa ano, ko nga teihana kua whakaritea e nga kaimahi kia tika ake te huarahi tohatoha rauemi. Ko nga waahi mahi a nga kaimahi kei te kaha tonu, e whakaiti ana i te uaua o te whakahaere. Hei taapiri, ko te ahua whakaputa o nga kaimahi motuhake he pai ki te whakapai ake i te pukenga me te matatau o nga kaiwhakahaere, katahi ka whakapai ake i te kounga o te hua [3].
Ko te tono o te RGV i roto i te paipa ka pai ake te ngawari o te paipa, ka pai ake te urutau ki te tikanga huihuinga hou. Its flexible control mode can meet the needs of improvement and multi-variety small batch production mode in the experimental stage, and at the same time is scalable, to meet the needs of the later capacity expansion. Compared with a dedicated production line, the factory with the transition from discrete to assembly assembly mode has a greater fault tolerance rate, which greatly reduces the transformation cost and shortens the time cycle of transformation.
The RGV pipeline scheme
The assembly line can meet the production of all models below 320 t, and can cover 80% of the production capacity of the headquarters factory. Each RGV is both a unified system and an independent unit. It has a independent safety sensing device that will only affect the action of the current RGV when activated, ka taea e etahi atu RGV te mahi noa, ka taea te whakapai ake i te whānuitanga o nga mahi me tona ngawari [4].
Kei ia teihana he punaha whakaatu motuhake hei whakaatu i nga mahi o naianei me nga korero o te teihana. Ko nga korero o nga ota kua whakaritea ka taea te tuku tika ki te teihana mahi e rite ana ki te mohio ki te hanga raina whakauru. RGV me era atuKo te aratau mana kei roto i te punaha tango Wi-Fi, whakahaere pokapū whakahaere ope me te aroturuki, me te mana mamao, ka taea te whakatika ngawari i te mahi a RGV i roto i te ahua rereke. Ka whakamahi a RGV i te tautuhi auau reo irirangi (Tautuhi Auautanga Reo Irirangi, RFID) tūnga + tūnga whakakā photoelectric. I roto i te take o te inertia taumaha nui, ka taea te whakahaere i te tika o te tukurua i roto 10 mm ki te whakatutuki i nga hiahia tuunga o te huringa aunoa o muri mai. Ko nga RGV katoa he taputapu haumaru, ka taea te whakamana i te haumarutanga o te mahi a te punaha [5]. Ko te hanganga o te RGV e whakaatuhia ana i te Whakaahua Whakaahua 1
Kei roto i te aratau whakahaere paipa te patupatu kore utu me te patu kaha te whakarite, me nga teihana katoa e hono ana [6]. Kei hea: Ko te aratau patupatu kore utu e whakahaerehia ana e nga kaimahi teihana, a ko te tukinga o te whakangao o te patu ka taea te whakarite e te kaiwhakahaere ka mahue tonu. E ai ki nga hiahia whakaputa, ka taea e te raina huihuinga te whakanui, te whakaheke ranei i te maha o nga teihana mahi i nga wa katoa i roto i te waahanga e whakaaetia ana o te reera kaiarahi. Ka taea te whakahaere i te pokapū o te raina me te raina hiko tipuMahi o te whakawhitiwhiti korero (Whakawhitiwhiti Raina Hiko, PLC) whatunga, wheketere whakangao punaha whakahaere (Pūnaha Mahi Hangahanga, MES) etahi atu punaha korero ranei. Ko te whakatakotoranga o te paipa e whakaatuhia ana i te Whakaahua 2 [7-10].
Te tukanga huihuinga me te whakataurite pai
tikanga huihui
Ko te rere o te tukanga o te raina huihuinga whakamutunga e whakaatuhia ana i te Whakaahua 3. Kei roto i tana mahinga matua “whatanga aratau maukati waea-a-ipurangi + pouaka hiko turanga pupuhi + whakahaere waea rūnanga me te tango i te utaina tepu aratau maukati rau whakarewa aratau maukati pepa whakarewa me te hinu waipēhi miihini whakarewa whakarewa tuimotu”. Ko te tuhi tahora pae e whakaatuhia ana i te Whakaahua 4, [11].
He rereke te kaha
Te whakatairite i nga putanga mo ia waeine me ia waahanga waahanga, ka whakaatuhia nga hua ki nga Ripanga 1 me 2. I muri 4 marama o te whakatikatika me te mahi whakamatautau, e toru nga kaimahi me te whakatikatika i nga mahi i mahia i te marama o Hune, Hōngongoi me Akuhata, me te whakahoahoa o nga taputapu me nga rawa i arotauhia, and the rapid transformation from discrete to pipeline assembly mode was realized. It was a process from scratch that eventually began stabilizing output in August.
By comparing the average data of 2020, we can show that personnel efficiency increased by 10% and site utilization increased by 30% [12-15].
After the introduction of the final assembly line, the assembly process of the assembly line was adjusted three times because of the personnel and capacity planning problems. The flexibility of the RGV final assembly line provides the possibility of process adjustment and realizes the assembly mode of the assembly line. Line assembly mode can improve production efficiency, which is the only way for equipment manufacturing industry. For large equipment, Ko te raina huihuinga RGV he huarahi nui ki te huri mai i te momo motuhake ki te aratau hui hui, e pai ana ki te hanga hua ohaoha mo nga umanga, te whakatairanga i te ahunga whakamua tonu o nga umanga, me te whakapai ake i te taumata aunoatanga o te kamupene.
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