China Furnizor de mașini de turnat prin injecție la preț redus

industria plasticului

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Acordați atenție la turnarea prin injecție PET Perform?

Acordați atenție la turnarea prin injecție PET Perform?

dacă este nevoie de maÈ™ină pentru PET, întrebaÈ›i contactul FLYSE: Lv 8618958305290 1. Prelucrarea materialelor plastice Deoarece macromoleculele PET conÈ›in grupări lipidice È™i au un anumit grad de hidrofilitate, peletele sunt mai sensibile la apa la temperaturi ridicate. Când conÈ›inutul de apă depășeÈ™te limita, greutatea moleculară a PET scade în timpul procesării, iar produsele devin colorate È™i casante. Prin urmare, …

Tavi Ic: PMMA, Analiza PC și PET a caracteristicilor și a procesului de turnare prin injecție a trei tipuri de

Tavi Ic: PMMA, Analiza PC și PET a caracteristicilor și a procesului de turnare prin injecție a trei tipuri de

Deoarece tava IC are greutate redusă, duritate bună, si de formare usoara. Cost redus și alte avantaje, deci în industria modernă și tăvile IC, din ce în ce mai multe materiale plastice sunt folosite în locul altor materiale, în special în instrumentele optice și industriile de ambalare, iar dezvoltarea este deosebit de rapidă. in orice caz, datorită cerinţelor de bună plasticitate, piese rezistente la uzură, and good

manipulator arm basic knowledge

manipulator arm basic knowledge

rotary arm manipulator,single-axis servo manipulator arm,injection molding machine manipulator,Three-axis servo manipulator The injection molding machine manipulator is a kind of automation equipment, which is widely used in the injection molding automation field because of its high linear motion efficiency. The manipulator of the injection molding machine can not only complete the product operation independently, but also can cooperate with the

plastic extruder basic knowledge

plastic extruder basic knowledge

The main engine of the plastic extruder is the extruder, which consists of an extrusion system, a transmission system and a heating and cooling system.   Extrusion system The extrusion system includes screw,butoi, buncăr, head, and die. The plastic is plasticized into a uniform melt through the extrusion system, and under the pressure established in this process, the screw is continuously

Theoretical knowledge of injection molding machine screw

Theoretical knowledge of injection molding machine screw

Theoretical knowledge of injection molding machine screw: The screw is a key component of the plasticized part, and it is in direct contact with the plastic. The effective length of the plastic passing through the screw groove passes through a long thermal history and undergoes a three-state (glass state, viscoelastic state, and viscous fluid state). The screw The length, geometry, …

Advantages of injection molding machine manipulator

Advantages of injection molding machine manipulator

With the development of industry 4.0 intelligence, manipulators are widely used in traditional industries. As one of the injection manipulators, it is widely used in various injection molding industries, bringing standardized management, high safety,and Stabilizing product quality, reducing scrap rate, improving production efficiency and other advantages, thereby reducing enterprise production costs and enhancing enterprise competitiveness, etc.. play an extremely important

Injection molding machine knowledge

Injection molding machine knowledge

Generally speaking, most of the customers who have been engaged in the injection molding industry for many years have the ability to judge by themselves and choose the appropriate injection molding machine to produce. in orice caz, in some cases, the customer may need the assistance of the manufacturer to decide which injection molding machine to use, or even the customer may only have the

Injection molding machine operation and maintenance rules

Injection molding machine operation and maintenance rules

The operation and maintenance of the injection molding machine is dangerous, so professionals must be required to operate it When using the injection molding machine, you must pay attention to the safety of the operation. Please check the safety of the machine, the safety of the ejector rod and the reliability of the safety door at the beginning of each

Analiza matrițelor cu canal cald a defecțiunilor comune

Analiza matrițelor cu canal cald a defecțiunilor comune

Introduction Compared with ordinary runner molds, hot runner molds have significant advantages such as time-saving, economisirea de materiale, Eficiență ridicată, și calitate stabilă. in orice caz, cândva a fost ușor să provoace defecțiuni în utilizare, ceea ce a afectat aplicarea sa largă. Odată cu progresul tehnologic al industriei matriței, turnarea cu canal cald a făcut progrese mari în controlul temperaturii de topire a canalului, fiabilitatea structurală, and hot runner

turnarea prin injecție este o metodă de fabricare a produselor industriale.

turnarea prin injecție este o metodă de fabricare a produselor industriale.

Injection molding is a method of manufacturing industrial products. Products usually use rubber injection molding and plastic injection molding. In prezent, injection molding machines continue to develop in the direction of automation, economie de energie, intelligence, and unmanned. With its excellent energy-saving characteristics, control characteristics, and processing characteristics, the all-electric injection molding machine will quickly occupy the plastic machine market in

water-cooled chillers of two cooling methods

water-cooled chillers of two cooling methods

According to the cooling method, industrial chillers can be roughly divided into two types: water-cooled chillers and air-cooled chillers. Do you have a grasp of these two cooling methods? Here is the detailed explanation of flyse machinery: Refrigeration method of water-cooled chiller: (1) Choose Oumei refrigeration compressor, high EER value, low noise, low energy consumption, economie de energie, stable operation. (2) …

The way the mold selects the chiller

The way the mold selects the chiller

Chiller is important for mold.In fact, a mold is a heat exchanger. The heat is first transferred from the molten plastic to the mold, and then from the mold to the continuously circulating cooling medium-ice water. Only a small part of it enters the air and the pressure of the injection molding machine. template. As we all know, a considerable part

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