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Како одабрати половну машину за бризгање

јануара 13, 2023

Како одабрати а половна машина за бризгање

Важни фактори који обично утичу на избор машине за бризгање су калуп, производ, пластичне, захтеви за обликовање, итд. Према томе, следеће информације се морају прикупити или добити пре него што се изврши избор: 1. Величина калупа (ширина, висина, дебљина) , тежина, посебан дизајн, itd.; 2. Врста и количина употребљене пластике (single raw material or multiple plastics); 3. The appearance size (length, ширина, висина, дебљина) and weight of the injection molded product; 4. Molding requirements, such as Quality conditions, production speed, итд. After obtaining the above information, you can follow the steps below to choose a suitable plastic injection molding machine:

1. Choose the right type:

Since there are many types of second-hand injection molding machines, потребно је на почетку правилно проценити који тип машине за бризгање или које серије производ треба да се произведе, као што су опште термопластичне или бакелитне сировине или ПЕТ сировине, itd., су једнобојни, двобојни, вишебојни, међуслој или мешана боја, итд.

Додатно, неки производи захтевају високу стабилност (затворена петља), високу прецизност, ултра-висока брзина убризгавања, висок притисак убризгавања или брза производња (мулти-лооп), itd., а за производњу се мора изабрати и одговарајућа серија.

2. Може одговарати калуп:

Determine whether thebig column inner distance”, “mold thickness”, “minimum mold size” и “mold plate sizeof the machine are appropriate according to the mold size, so as to confirm whether the mold can be placed.

Белешка: ①The width and height of the mold must be smaller than or at least one side is smaller than the inner distance of the large column; ②The width and height of the mold should preferably be within the size range of the mold plate; ③The thickness of the mold should be between the mold thickness of the injection molding machine; ④The width and height of the mold must meet the minimum mold size recommended by the injection molding machine, and it is not acceptable if it is too small.

3. Take out injection molding products:

Determine whether the “ход отварања калупа” и “mold ejection strokeare sufficient for the finished product to be taken out by the mold and the finished product.

①The mold opening stroke must be at least twice the height of the finished product in the direction of opening and closing the mold, and must include the length of the vertical sprue;

②The ejection stroke must be sufficient to eject the finished product.

4. Can lock the plastic solution:

The tonnage of “сила стезања” is determined by the product and plastic.

When the raw material is injected into the mold cavity at high pressure, it will generate a force to support the mold. Према томе, the clamping unit of the injection molding machine must provide enough “сила стезања” to keep the mold from being stretched. The calculation of the clamping force requirement is as follows:

① Obtain the projected area of ​​the finished product in the direction of the opening and closing mold from the appearance size of the finished product; /cm2); ③The pressure in the mold varies with the raw material, and the general raw material is 350~400kg/cm2; more than double. Досад, the specifications of the clamping unit have been preliminarily determined, and the tonnage of the model has been roughly determined. само по обиму би потенцијално могло да доведе до скоро да уопште нема јастука, the following steps must be carried out to confirm which injection unit has a more suitable screw diameter.

5. Shot to fill the injection mold cavity:

Determine the requiredinjection volumeand select the appropriate “пречник завртња” based on the weight of the finished product and the number of mold cavities.

To calculate the weight of the finished product, the number of mold cavities (један калуп са неколико шупљина) треба размотрити;

Зарад стабилности, запремина убризгавања мора бити већа од 1.35 пута тежине готовог производа, то је, тежина готовог производа мора бити унутар 75% запремине ињекције.

6. Параметри убризгавања машине за бризгање:

Услови као што су “степен компресије вијака” и “pritisak ubrizgavanja” судене су по пластици. Неке инжењерске пластике захтевају већи притисак убризгавања и одговарајући дизајн компресије завртња да би имали бољи ефекат обликовања. Према томе, in order to make the finished product injection better, the injection pressure and compression ratio must also be considered when selecting the screw. . Генерално, a smaller diameter screw provides higher injection pressure.

7. Brzina ubrizgavanja машине за бризгање:

Confirmation of “brzina ubrizgavanja”. Some finished products require high injection rate and fast injection to form stably, such as ultra-thin products. In this case, it may be necessary to confirm whether the injection rate and injection speed of the machine are sufficient , whether it needs to be equipped with pressure accumulator, closed loop control and other devices. Generally speaking, under the same conditions, the screw that can provide higher injection pressure usually has a lower injection rate, and on the contrary, the screw that can provide lower injection pressure usually has a higher injection rate.

Према томе, when selecting the diameter of the screw, the injection volume, injection pressure and injection rate (brzina ubrizgavanja) need to be considered and traded off. Додатно, multi-loop design can also be used to shorten the molding time with synchronous compound actions.

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