Le instalación yéetel desinstalación moldes ku báaxal jump'éel ju'un jach Páaybe'en ti' le moldeo tumen inyección. Bey u waye' yaan yaan ti'its clave ti' le K'a'abet k páay óolal ti' le instalar le molde plástico..
Yáax: Wa u instalación le molde yáanta'al
1) Compruebe wa le u sido horneado, wa ma', K'a'ana'an u horneado le principio.
2) Check whether there is available machine, if the machine size and the ejection is suitable, and whether the required special functions are available.
3) Check if the mold is ready, if it is, operator should immediately report and wait for the notice.
4) After the above three points are ready, and then prepare the tool, water pipe and corresponding equipment.
Segundo: Steps of the mold installation
1) Move the mold to the front of the corresponding machine and place it firmly, screw on the related lifting ring and confirm the thimble position.
2) Lift the mold steadily, slowly put it into the machine, and align the positioning ring of the machine and the mold.
3) Mak le molde chaanbelil yéetel firmemente.
4) Apriete le molde yéetel le placa presión, Afloje ka retire Chaambel le grúa, ka ts'o'okole' luk'ul Teeche' le paladio ka'a.
5) Elevar le ka'anal presión, Apriete le tornillo ka'a ka alinee le boquilla.
6) Verifique wa yaan alguna anomalía ti' le molde yéetel confirme le nu'ukulil k'a'abéet bey ma' Je'e le molde, Ka tu láak' moldear Chaambel ka' verificar.
7) Revise le molde ka'a utia'al detectar anomalías ka' Je'e le molde.
8) Find relevant personnel to connect with special auxiliary equipment and debug the machine.
9) Instalar nu'ukulo'ob auxiliares ti' le requisitos, Bey: Ja', Corredor frío, etc., ka wilik wa le nu'ukulo'ob auxiliares le normales.
10) Ready to turn on the machine.
Tercero:Preparación utia'al u desinstalación le molde
1) Stop the injection, expulsar le xooko'obo' residual ti' le tornillo, ka cho'oik le tornillo yéetel xooko'obo' PP.
2) Apague le suministro correspondiente ja': ordinary water and water in the mold temperature machine.
3) Prepare the mold unintsalled tools and corresponding equipment: bucket, air gun, anti-rust oil, lifting ring, crane, etc.
4) Find the appropriate department to remove the equipment before the mold uninstallation.
Wa yaan alguna k'áat chi' yóok'ol molde inyección ,Much kulen libre u k'áatiko'ob Nu'ukulil FLYSE,Ti' ko'on k ts'aajik le utsil mayaj!