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What is the difference between an all electric injection molding machine and hydraulic injection molding machine?

What is the difference between an all electric injection molding machine and hydraulic injection molding machine?

Electric injection molding machines consume energy only when required for a given action, and motor output is matched to meet requirements, unlike traditional hydraulic injection molding machines which use continuously consume energy even while idle. Instead of being driven by a hydraulic system, electric injection molding machines are digitally controlled with high-speed and highly-efficient servo motors to drive the whole

Naon jinis kapang anu aya?

Naon jinis kapang anu aya?

Aya seueur réréncangan anu ngiringan industri cetak injeksi. Kusabab aranjeunna ngan ukur aktipitas salah sahiji jinis, aranjeunna panginten henteu terang seueur ngeunaan kapang anu sanés, tapi urang tiasa diajar langkung seueur ngeunaan hulu sareng hilir industri kapang ku paham kana industri kapang sadayana, tah kuring Sadaya jenis kapang diklasifikasikeun. …

Why use baked plastic raw materials?

Why use baked plastic raw materials?

Why use baked plastic raw materials? ABS, PC, PA6 types of plastic raw materials need to be baked, but PP, TPO, POM types do not need to be baked? In the injection molding process, the moisture content of the material must be in a relatively low range to ensure the normal injection molding and the normal physical properties of the

Injection molding machine maintenance methods

Injection molding machine maintenance methods

Electrical parts 1. Wire connector inspection Unfastened wires in the connector will cause high temperature or spark damage at the connector position. A poor connector will also affect the signal transmission; the connector on the contactor will be easier to loose due to the vibration of the electromagnetic action, so it is necessary to check the wire connector regularly Position

How to reduce the loss of raw materials in the injection molding workshop

How to reduce the loss of raw materials in the injection molding workshop

1. Control the production of defective products, (control defective products) 2. Improve mold efficiency, mold efficiency directly affects the amount of material used. 3. Control inventory to avoid inventory caused by excessive production. 4. Cultivate the concept of cost saving for technicians, and avoid too much waste when adjusting the injection molding machine. 5. Confirm the change of the product

plastic extruder

Causes and solutions for 3.The angle exceeds 90° after high-pressure clamping, resulting in reverse hinge

1.The area of the mold opening hydraulic ring is too small Mold opening force = mold opening oil pressure ring area × mold opening oil pressure If you want to increase the mold opening force when the maximum pressure is determined, you can only increase the mold opening oil pressure ring area, and you can increase the mold opening oil

FLYSE mesin suntik ngajaga tumuwuh gancang ku 30%

FLYSE mesin suntik ngajaga tumuwuh gancang ku 30%

Kusabab kamekaran pasar anu saé ayeuna, industri mesin ogé mertahankeun tumuwuhna gancang. Dina satengah munggaran tina 2020, CHINA FLYSE PLASTIK Mesin Co., Ltd. geus ngaronjat ku 30% leuwih taun ka tukang, netepkeun rekor penjualan pangluhurna saprak ngadegna perusahaan. Ieu hasil tina usaha babarengan sakabeh pagawe flyse. Éta ogé ngabuktikeun …

2020 China Injection Machine Market Report

2020 China Injection Machine Market Report

2020 China Injection Machine Market Report Not only a large number of products can be directly produced by the injection machine, but also the key equipment that constitutes the injection stretch blowing process. China has become the world’s largest country in the production of plastic machine parts. The reasons for promoting the development of China’s injection machine equipment manufacturing industry

The strong development of Zhejiang injection molding machines industry

The strong development of Zhejiang injection molding machines industry

Zhejiang, with a long history and culture, is known as the hometown of injection molding machines. It has bred many well-known injection molding machine enterprises, including Haitian, ngapung. Zhejiang is the largest injection molding machine production base in China, accounting for more than 1 / 2 of the total annual production of domestic injection molding machines and 1 / 3 …
