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三月 13, 2023

Plastics are widely used in various industries. As the equipment for the production of plastics, the processing action of 注塑機 often has sudden change in speed, the steady setting of shadow sound preparation is used, such as injection glue, seat and so on, which require good variable speed performance, but the traditional injection molding machine depends entirely on the control mode of hydraulic electromagnet, and the hardware and circuit are complex. The parameters such as injection pressure can not be matched effectively and timely, so it is difficult to repair the system in the event of failure. With the diversified consumption demand of plastic finished products in modern life, the production control of injection molding machine urgently needs to be adjusted by maneuvering. 傳統注塑機嘅控制系統連接複雜 (1), 既唔方便又靈活, 並且不能滿足多種類型產品的生產需求. 變頻器可靈活調節頻率,實現速度的靈活控制. 基於傳統注塑機設備速度控制嘅限制, 注塑機中需要頻繁變速嘅部分可改為變頻 (2), 可實現工業技術嘅快速動態狀態調整, 有效節約能源, 而配置控制系統嘅引入可以令控制更加直觀和靈活.

1 系統嘅整體計劃

主要功能 注塑機 係加熱, inject and form the raw materials. (3) the injection molding technology (3) mainly has the following aspects: 合模, seat injection, injection glue, seat withdrawal, 開模, 等。, in which the four stages of mold closing, seat entry, seat withdrawal, glue injection and mold opening have the difference between high speed and low speed, and the specific operation process of the process is shown in figure 1.

The control system adopts an machine interface HMI based on MCGSE software.

The controller adopts PLC, and the peripheral of PLC is equipped with on-off type input and executor type output. The four movements of mold closing, plastic injection, seat entering and seat back, and mold opening are required to change speed. The electromagnet uses the frequency changer to manufacture, its other components still uses the electromagnetically operated valve control system, 透過電磁閥, 中間繼電器實現咗注塑機嘅其他工藝控制, 根據頻率變化同PLC組態控制系統規劃,如圖 2.

2 系統設計

  1. 1 系統硬件設計系統採用Mitsubishi FR,應用率更高 -740 變頻器, 變頻器主電路佈線 [4] 如圖所示 3, 其中模具嘅開合係電機控制系統, 座椅前進和座椅退縮係一個電機控制系統, 對應電機嘅正反轉, M1-M3分別對應開合模電機, 座椅前進和後退電機, 噴膠電機


FX3U-32MR系列 / 一個, 16 輸入 / 16 輸出, 為咗令控制系統更加直觀, 除了四個硬件掣嘅正常分配PLC輸入地址, 喺MCGSE組態軟件中仲分配埋虛擬組件M地址, 為咗配置可視化控制. 注塑機控制系統PLC外部輸入側, 輸出側布線分佈圖如圖 4.

鍵合注塑機變頻控制工藝, 開模, 座椅進料, 注膠跟隨

電信號連接到變頻器嘅正轉啟動信號, 鉗位同後備繼電器信號連接到變頻器嘅反向啟動信號, 外部繼電器信號與變頻器正負旋轉信號嘅對應關係如圖 5.

2.2 注塑機嘅變頻設計思路

注塑機不同嘅工藝需要不同的壓力和速度, 根據設備工藝要求, 逆變器部分嘅設計思路如下:

(1) 初始合模需要快速合模, 該過程需要更加大嘅壓力, 注塑機嘅工作原理可以看出,注射壓力與電機轉速成正比. 從變頻器速度公式, 速度和頻率成正比率, 所以初始箝位頻率應該使用更大的頻率, 設置為45Hz, 為咗減少影響, 延遲夾實, 噉係, 慢速夾緊過程需要較慢的速度和較小的壓力, 頻率25Hz.

(2) 在前期坐蓆入場流程, 速度更快, 頻率為45Hz, 喺3秒嘅間隔後, 使用15Hz嘅低頻,以便準確平穩地到達位置.

(3) 為咗解決注射工藝段轉換嘅響應延遲, 塑料材料成型較好嘅流動狀態, 提高塑料質素, 注射過程中使用不同的注射速度. 注射過程早期速度更快, 頻率為 50 赫茲, 以及 20 應在 2 秒達到保壓壓力.

(4) The seat back process is similar to the seat into, the early need for faster speed, 頻率為45Hz, the speed should be stable when the position is reached after 3s, and the frequency rate is 15Hz.

(5) After plastic molding, the mold needs a moderate speed, slightly higher pressure, and the frequency is 30Hz, followed by a slower speed and pressure, the frequency rate is 15Hz.

According to the repeated speed control requirements of the injection molding machine, the frequency converter adopts the multi-speed control mode [5], and the high-speed RH end, the medium-speed RM end, the low-speed RL end of the FR-740 frequency converter and the PLC output signal are controlled by Y14, Y15, Y16. Since the M1-M3 three motors are not running at the same time, a frequency converter can be used in common, reducing the input, R H response to P r. 4 參數, 同M對P r嘅反應. 5. 參數, R L到Pr.6參數, 頻率 4 到頻率 7 對應Pr. 24-公關. 27, 頻率編號, 參數, 同RH, 馬幣, RL設置,如表 1, 即Pr.4 = 25, Pr.2 = 20, 等陣.


由於空間限制, 本文以Automatic模式為例進行編程

  1. 3



該工藝需要 45 赫茲, 對應於頻率 6 表格 1, 喺呢個工作步驟中, 需要同時連接Y14同Y15, 與Figure組合 5, 我哋可以看到,仲需要提供合模正激轉換器嘅啟動信號. 当注塑機系統處於自動模式時, 系統嘅SFC編程思路如圖 6, M0係初始步驟. M1-M13分別對應快速合模 – 頂桿後退動作流程, 為咗靈活調整注塑成型工藝, 在步驟M1中, 定時器T1時間唔使用固定常數K30, 但使用D2, 透過以下配置界面可靈活調整快速合模時間.

  1. 4 PC組態控制系統設計,以方便監控注塑機運行狀態和手動調整

參數, 配置控制系統係喺變頻器同注塑機嘅PLC控制系統嘅基礎上設計嘅, 並使用組態軟件MCGSE建立組態控制系統. 默認進入自動界面, 在自動屏中可透過切換按鈕進入手動界面, 相同嘅手動界面都可以返抵自動界面, 接口, 如拍攝膠水動作按鈕, 開關類型嘅Quick Closing Mode同其他運行指示燈數據類型, 分別分配不同嘅M地址, 為咗靈活調整快速合模, 快速入座, 快速注射時間, D2-D4嘅分布依次, 數值類型嘅數據類型, 透過屏幕建立輸入框,實現現場參數調整, 而唔係重新下載PLC程序, 顯著提高生產效率.

自動運行模式和手動測試模式嘅配置界面如圖 7 和 8. 配置項目完成後, 下載PLC程序. 該系統不僅可以有效地監控服務中嘅生產運行狀態, 仲可以根據產品生產嘅要求及時調整射膠等時間. 透過手動測試模式, 設備可以進行大修和微調, 達到咗最初嘅設計意圖.

採用新嘅設計同改造方案之後, 變頻器可以令速度

控制更準確, 並且組態軟件嘅應用可以根據不同的流程更加靈活,適應新嘅生產任務. 組態監控系統可及時有效地監測和控制生產嘅主要參數, 使控制變得更加直觀和靈活.

如果你對塑料行業有任何疑問,請隨時詢問FLYSE團隊,我哋將為您提供最好嘅服務!我哋都可以為您提供 好但平嘅注塑機! 或聯繫我哋 臉書.



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